Ring Of Champions
Iron Cross

"Iron Cross" has competed in the WWE, NWA, AWA, IWCCW, CWA (Memphis), Smoky Mountain Wrestling, and various other independent organizations, both nationally and internationally. The Iron Cross has held a long list of championship titles. Just to name a few - World Tag Team Championship (twice), Southeastern Heavyweight Champion, Major League Wrestling TV Champion, Southern Tag Team Titles, Tennessee Heavyweight Championship, Virginia State Championship, and various other titles. The Iron Cross has wrestled many of the sport's top superstars, such as Chris Jericho, Rob Van Damm, "Big Papa Pump" Scott Steiner, Rick Steiner, Sting, "Superfly" Jimmy Snuka, Junkyard Dog, "The Heartbreak Kid" Shawn Michaels, Brett "The Hitman" Hart, Abdullah the Butcher, Jimmy "The Boogie Woogie Man" Valiant, "Nature Boy" Buddy Landel, Lance Storm, Kid Kash, EZ Money, "Raging Bull" Manny Fernandez, "Hands of Stone" Ronnie Garvin, The Mongolian Stomper, "Chief" Wahoo McDaniel, "Mr. Wonderful" Paul Orndorff, The Honky Tonk Man, The Masked Superstar, "Wildfire" Tommy Rich, The Fantastics, The Rock & Roll Express, The Bushwhackers, "The Russian Bear" Ivan Koloff, "Polish Power" Ivan Putski, and countless others. The Iron Cross has also been featured in major wrestling publications, such as Pro Wrestling Illustrated, The Wrestler, Inside Wrestling, and was also featured in the Top 500 Wrestlers in PWI.

Pit Bull
Roddy Cox- No new-comer. He has wrestled for several local independent organizations over the last few years. Known as “The Pit Bull” because of his quick temper. He is out to make a name for himself here in NWA Blue Ridge Championship Wrestling. He is willing to do what it takes to work his way into the NWA main events and title picture.
Stan Lee
Stan Lee- Likes to call himself the "Pretty Boy". Don't let his looks fool you, Stan Lee is a very talented wrestler and as tough as they come. A main event star on the independent circuit for years, got his start at a very young age and is just now in the prime of his career. Has wrestled for WCW, WWE, Smoky Mountain Wrestling and just about every independent federation in the south. Championships are no stranger to the "Pretty Boy," a former UWA Heavyweight Champion, MLW Heavyweight Champion, SSW Champion, Tennessee Title holder and many more. One of the most hated men in the sport, and he loves it. Has feuded many years with the Iron Cross. Plus has battled many of the sport's top stars such as "The Rock-n Roll Express," Jimmy Valiant, Tim Horner, Buff Bagwell, and countless others. Formerly 1/2 of the tag-team "The Beautiful Blonds" with ( Eddie Golden), with whom he won many tag-team titles throughout the 1990's. Has paid his dues and is now an established star with NWA Blue Ridge.
Eddie Bruiser
Eddie Bruiser - From Hatchet Mountain, VA, known as the "Rowdy Redneck" and is currently the top contender for the NWA Blue Ridge Heavyweight Championship. Holder of many championships, including UWA Heavyweight Championship, Tennessee Title, 1/2 of the MLW Tag-Team Champions (with G-Dog) and countless other titles and awards. Make no mistake about it, Eddie Bruiser is as rough and tough as they come, is not afraid to mix it up, and will not be intimidated by opponents. Trains regularly at Samson's Gym and loves to push around the weights as much as he does his foes in the ring. A former bouncer who has wrestled some of the sport's best, including: "Nature Boy" Buddy Landel, Mongolian Stomper,Stan Lee, Iron Cross, and others. His never say die attitude has helped make "The Rowdy Redneck" one of the most popular stars in the NWA Blue Ridge.